Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Genetic modified foods is when a gene from one organism is purposely moved to improve or change another organism in a laboratory, the result is a genetically modified organism (GMO). It is also sometimes called "transgenic" for transfer of genes. The point of this is to put ingredients to food, (tomatoes, corn, fruit) and see difference with food, GMO's could offer medicine, agriculture and pest control. 

The purpose of genetic modifying food is increasing food production. The more we test the more we learn, but they are affecting us without noticing.
Three reasons why GM crops should be used is because GM technology offers food to be "better" like potatoes with more protein, rice with added vitamin A. Three reasons why GM crops Shouldn't be used is because its harmful to our people, its not the same and as natural as before, we don't even know if the food we eat had been genetic modified.Many people can find an allergic reaction to this. Food allergy affects approximately 5%  approximately 5% of children and 2% of adults in the U.S. 
People are starting to believe that GM food may be huge risk for the environment, for our health  which could develop diseases and viruses and could as well increase food and money crisis.

Genetic engineering is any process by which genetic material.
The plasmid is removed from the bacterium, and the T-DNA is cut by a Resurrection enzyme.
Foreign DNA is cute by the same enzyme. The foreign DNA is inserted into the T-DNA of plasmid. The plasmid is reinserted into a bacterium. 
Genetic Engineer process:

Step 1:  DNA Extraction
Find an organism with a specific trait that you want to add to another organism and extract its DNA.
 Step 2:  Gene Cloning
Clone the gene that controls the specific trait you are interested in by separating it from the rest of the genes within the DNA that was extracted.
 Step 3:  Gene Design
Design the gene to produce the desired enzyme (protein) in a specific way in a different organism (the crop plant).
 Step 4:  Transformation
Insert the gene into the cells of a crop plant.  This can be done using a gene gun, agrobacterium, microfibers, or electroporation.
 Step 5:  Backcross Breeding
Use (traditional) backcross breeding to produce a high yielding crop that exhibits the characteristics of an elite crop line and the desired trait from the transgene.  The resultant crop plant is called a GMO, in other terms genetically modified organism.


1. Denaturation (separation of two strands of DNA by temperatures of around 94 to 98 degrees Celsius) in pcr everything in controlled by temperature.   

2. Annealing (binding of DNA primer to the separated strands. I believe it Occurs at 50 to 65 degrees Celsius, which is lower than the optimal temperature of the DNA polymerases) 

3. Elongation (elongation of the strands using the DNA primer with heat-stable DNA polymerases, most frequently Taq (Thermus aquaticus) or Pfu (Pyrococcus furiosus) polymerases. And it occurs around over 70 degrees Celsius)
I think Genetic Modified foods should change. This is my opinion and i believe its a wrong choice. It should change because first of all our food and being tested without us knowing, without knowing what they are testing and injecting. It can cause health affects to our people and our food isn't as natural as before. 

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